
Our analytics products suite helps clients reduce cost of building expensive analytics solutions in-house. The plug and play solutions ensure that clients have access to complex analysis from the word-go. 

Data Science

Using the power of open source tools the team of high quality data scientists at EQ builds quantitative models that have helped clients with complex analysis such as fraud detection, sentiment analysis, affinity modeling etc.


Combining data mining with domain expertise across verticals such as eCommerce, CPG, Retail, Asset management & Utility, we help companies increase their operational and financial efficiency


We believe in using Open Source platforms. Their scalability and openness present possibilities for a vast array of analytic solutions. Most of our solutions can be deployed to a variety of Output modes, including Visualisation products via our Product partners

Our solutions


Suitable for deployments for large scale organisations, or where there are Compliance issues around hosting

Cloud Based

Save the trouble of trying to figure out the precise Hardware, Database and Application Software requirements


Suited for scenarios, where the Analytics could be developed in-premise, but the Visualisation and distribution can be rendered via Cloud